Golden Civic Centre, 806 10th Ave S, Golden, BC V0A 1H2
Come to an old-time community square dance at the Golden Civic Centre. Live music with the Hip To Be Square Collective. All dances taught on...
Golden Civic Centre, 806 10th Ave S, Golden, BC V0A 1H2
Bowness Community Centre
It is a Westen-themed Barn Dance for the whole family. Three hours of dance calling with non-stop fiddle music by the Calgary Fiddlers and t...
Bowness Community Centre
Downtown, Stephen Avenue Mall, 8th Ave SW
Everyday during Stampede, the Downtown Attractions Committee hosts free square dancing with live music on Stephen Ave Mall from ten til noon...
Downtown, Stephen Avenue Mall, 8th Ave SW
Cornerstone Theatre Canmore
A long awaited fourth annual Square Dance social, sold out three years running. Adults welcome to an evening of squares, circles, longways ...
Cornerstone Theatre Canmore
Calgary Old-Time Experience Square Dances
Weddings: 120 in a Cochrane Church; 100 in a Kananaskis Campground;
200 on a Springbank Ranch; 130 in a barn in Strathmore and many more
Birthday , Anniversary, Retirement and Community Celebrations
Stampede Square Dancing on the Mall
Private School Harvest Dance
Bow Valley Fiddler's Wild Rosin Barn Dance
Foothills Bluegrass Music Society Square Dance
Canmore Hip To Be Square Old-Time Square Dances
Private School Weeklong Residency ECS through Grade 5
Canmore Public School Family Dance and Fundraiser
Mountain Mosaic Festival Family Dance, Invermere BC
Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley Square Dance Fundraiser
Private School annual Maypole Dance
Calgary Fiddler's Annual Barn Dance
Robbie Burns Ceilidh
Calgary Contra Dance
Klezmer Dance for Calgary Jewish Centre
Junior Forest Wardens Camping Weekend
Banff Snow Days Festival--Snow Days Stomp
Public Old-Time Square Dances in Canmore, Golden, Rocky Mountain House,
Cochraine, Kimberley, Invermere and Calgary.